Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Reclaim the Night Rally!

Last Saturday we had a stall in the University of London Union for the "Reclaim the Night" rally to cheer on our sisters who had marched triumphantly through London to take a stand against violence against women.

Our stall was run by the motley crew of John and Jon (pictured above) and was very well received - we got plenty of high-fives and an overflowing email list. Maybe part of that reception was due to Jon's forward thinking in bringing along a bag of chocolate, some biscuits, amusing gender-bending cartoons and colouring-in equipment. Certainly we aren't making ourselves unpopular anyhow!

We also sold over 20 white ribbons for men to make a statement against misogynistic violence, and that money is now safely in the hands of an anti-rape charity.

I certainly learnt a lot about feminism from the Fawcett Society women, met more interesting people of all genders than I normally would have in a month, and on top of all that got to hone my colouring skills, which have been dormant since Year 10 Geography lessons...

Just to update you on events:
Tomorrow (Tuesday 27th November) people are meeting at 9pm at Oxford Circus tube to protest the LSE heat of the Miss London university competition

And Thursday (29th November) at 7pm at the London Activists' Resource Centre (LARC) in Whitechapel we have our scheduled fortnightly meeting.

John A.


  1. Given you a plug on Stroppyblog :-)

  2. hi,

    great that ye have a blog! will keep an eye on it, very interested in the group.

    take care and best of luck,


  3. Great to see you at RTN, keep up the good work!

  4. i'm watching before I link ;)
